Tag Archives: News
SCOTLAND’S first commercial-scale tidal turbine has been connected to the electricity grid off the Orkney coast and begun generating power

The AR1000 Atlantis Resources 1MW device will generate enough electricity annually to power about 1,000 homes. It stands 70 feet off the seabed and weighs 1,500 tonnes. The company is hoping to install hundreds of the machines in the turbulent waters of the Pentland Firth off Scotland’s north coast within the next decade. […]
Aquamarine Power’s next-generation Oyster 800 unveiled by First Minister

The UK’s leadership in the development of wave-generated power continued apace today as wave energy developer Aquamarine Power invited Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond MSP to unveil the Oyster 800, the company’s next-generation hydro-electric wave energy converter. 800kW device At a ceremony at Burntisland Fabrications’ yard at Methil, Fife, the First Minister welcomed […]
Best marine energy sites could be cost competitive with nuclear and onshore wind by 2025

New in-depth analysis published today by the Carbon Trust shows the UK’s best marine energy sites could generate electricity at costs comparable with nuclear and onshore wind1. With continued and targeted innovation this could be as soon as 2025, once cost reductions from deploying the first gigawatt of energy devices have kicked-in. In the future […]
Aquamarine Power prepares for second Oyster installation

Wave energy company Aquamarine Power took the first step towards installation of its second full-scale Oyster wave energy converter last week [15 June] with the arrival of the „Excalibur‟ jack-up barge in Orkney. The vessel is now stationed at the European Marine Energy Centre‟s (EMEC) Billia Croo site, where the Oyster will be installed later this summer. […]
Pentland Firth study shows wave business potential

Scotland’s Pentland Firth could see £100 million worth of renewable investment by 2015 rising to £6 billion before 2020 if consents are granted, grid infrastructure is installed and funding is secured, a Crown Estate study has concluded. The public body, which leases sea bed rights to wave power promoters, commissioned the research as part of […]