Ness of Duncansby

Scottish Power Renewables UK Ltd, 100MW


Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Ltd is proposing to develop a Commercial Tidal Array at Ness of Duncansby in the Pentland Firth. The tidal array will have a capacity of 95 MW of renewable power for export to the grid and will contribute to meeting the Scottish Government’s targets of providing 80% of Scotland’s electricity generation from renewable sources by 2020.


Hammerfest Strom UK and Scottish Power Renewables are working together to develop the 1MW tidal stream technology, which will be used at Ness of Duncansby. The tidal device generates power utilising the kinetic energy of tidal flows and is fully submerged and seabed mounted.


The device was originally conceived as an evolution of existing wind turbine technology. A 300kW prototype was designed and constructed in Norway using knowledge from the offshore oil and gas industry. A considerable amount of valuable operating knowledge and data has been obtained over 5 years deployment and operation of the 300kW prototype in Kvalsund, Norway. This knowledge is being used to optimise the technology with adaption for UK conditions and an increased maximum output from 300kW to 1MW. A full-scale prototype device will be deployed at EMEC for a period of testing commencing in 2011.


Once testing of the larger scale demonstration tidal device, and any required refinements to the design are complete, it is proposed that a 10 MW tidal array will be deployed at the Sound of Islay in order to prove a range of technical, environmental and commercial parameters related to multi-device deployments. After that the Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array will be deployed in the Pentland Firth, subject to the required consents and licenses being obtained. Scottish Power Renewables have secured exclusive rights to the development of the site in the Pentland Firth near Ness of Duncansby on the North east coast of the Scottish mainland. The tidal array will consist of 95 1MW Hammerfest Strom HS1000 tidal turbines.



Information above taken from the Duncansby Scoping Report: Proposed Ness of Duncansby Tidal Array Request for a Scoping Opinion January 2011


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