MeyGen secures consent for 86MW tidal energy project

MeyGen Ltd. has been awarded consent by the Scottish Government for an 86MW tidal energy project, following the completion of the statutory approval process with the regulator Marine Scotland. The project is located in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth off the north coast of Caithness, home to one of Europe’s greatest tidal […]
Caithness Companies Collaborate Under the Firth

Three Caithness companies, Kongsberg Maritime, EnergyHunt and Marine5 have combined skills, strengths and experience to develop a drop down camera technology and methodology for use in high tidal stream areas in which the marine renewable industry typically operates. Bill Baxter of Kongsberg Maritime emphasised ‘This was an interesting project which happened to coincide with one […]
Energy and Climate Change Select Committee asks all the right questions:Source Aquamarine Power

A well-informed group of MPs was asking all the right questions yesterday as the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee called for oral evidence in its inquiry into the future of marine renewables in the UK. The committee kicked off their inquiry earlier this year, with the goal of examining the UK Government’s […]
New marine power sites leased out by Crown Estate, Source:BBC News

The Crown Estate has announced it has leased out a further Eight areas of seabed for wave and tidal projects. This now takes the total number of UK projects to more than 30. The new sites are from the second application window for projects in connection with the Scottish government’s Saltire Prize. They range from […]
Why nearshore?

Aquamarine Power Blog entry by Paddy O’Kane, Chief Technical Officer At Aquamarine Power we strive to think differently. And also to apply science and reason to develop our technology in an optimum manner. So while most other wave technology manufacturers have opted to develop deepwater or shoreline devices we have opted for an area […]
Progress made with Voith Hydro Monopile Foundation Installation

Voith Hydro Ocean Current Technologies is moving forward with the development of a full-scale demonstration of its Voith HyTide tidal energy converter at the Falls of Warness, which is due to be revealed next year. Installation works of the monopile foundation commenced on July 20th, using the off-shore construction vessel North Sea Giant incorporating […]