Blog Archives
Influential group of MP’s to visit area on renewables mission

An influential group of MP’s will be in Caithness next week to get an insight into the potential of the Pentland Firth for renewable energy development. The Members of Parliament’s Scottish Affairs Select Committee visit will focus on aspects of the committee’s inquiry into the Crown Estate in Scotland, they are examining how the Crown […]
Regional agencies publish Onshore Action Plan

The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment (PFBE) facilitated workshops where work was mainly focussed on the onshore development that will be necessary in North Highland to enable and support wave, tidal and offshore wind power. These sectors have been identified as priorites for the Caithness & North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership, of which the Highland […]
Pentland Firth study shows wave business potential

Scotland’s Pentland Firth could see £100 million worth of renewable investment by 2015 rising to £6 billion before 2020 if consents are granted, grid infrastructure is installed and funding is secured, a Crown Estate study has concluded. The public body, which leases sea bed rights to wave power promoters, commissioned the research as part of […]
UK puts forward 12 projects for EU carbon capture and renewables fund

The UK Coalition Government yesterday confirmed that it has put forward 12 projects to be considered for funding under the EU’s €4.5 billion carbon capture and renewables scheme. Up to three projects per member state can be supported under the New Entrant Reserve (NER) scheme, which is raising funds by selling off 300 million allowances […]