Blog Archives
New marine power sites leased out by Crown Estate, Source:BBC News

The Crown Estate has announced it has leased out a further Eight areas of seabed for wave and tidal projects. This now takes the total number of UK projects to more than 30. The new sites are from the second application window for projects in connection with the Scottish government’s Saltire Prize. They range from […]
Why nearshore?

Aquamarine Power Blog entry by Paddy O’Kane, Chief Technical Officer At Aquamarine Power we strive to think differently. And also to apply science and reason to develop our technology in an optimum manner. So while most other wave technology manufacturers have opted to develop deepwater or shoreline devices we have opted for an area […]
A rising tide?

From The Economist A remote town hopes to become a clean-energy hub EVEN on a sunny day the rugged coastline of Caithness—with its small towns huddled round little harbours, looking 15 miles across the Pentland Firth to the dark cliffs of Orkney—feels as though it is on the edge of the world. The remoteness […]
Progress made with Voith Hydro Monopile Foundation Installation

Voith Hydro Ocean Current Technologies is moving forward with the development of a full-scale demonstration of its Voith HyTide tidal energy converter at the Falls of Warness, which is due to be revealed next year. Installation works of the monopile foundation commenced on July 20th, using the off-shore construction vessel North Sea Giant incorporating […]
SCOTLAND’S first commercial-scale tidal turbine has been connected to the electricity grid off the Orkney coast and begun generating power

The AR1000 Atlantis Resources 1MW device will generate enough electricity annually to power about 1,000 homes. It stands 70 feet off the seabed and weighs 1,500 tonnes. The company is hoping to install hundreds of the machines in the turbulent waters of the Pentland Firth off Scotland’s north coast within the next decade. […]
Energy Hub plans boosted by feedback

A Thurso-based company which is gearing up to build and operate a marine energy control centre has been boosted by industry feedback to its plans. An independent study has elicited backing for the concept being developed by Marine 5, an offshoot of IT specialists Navertech. The company is now seeking to address issues […]